Starscape Wiki

Starscape Wiki

Welcome to the community-maintained Starscape wiki! We currently have 299 articles and 1,258 files being maintained by our contributors.

What's Starscape?

Starscape is an open-universe space exploration and combat game created by ZolarKeth in March 2017. It is currently in Public Beta. In the game, players can harvest resources, construct customizable ships, fight both other players and NPCs, and loot mysterious ruins in a dynamic and immersive galaxy with over 4000 star systems.

Not sure where to start reading? Check out our beginner's guide, list of frequently asked questions, or tips to see if anything interests you.

The pages below provide more information on specific topics.


About Starscape Wiki

The Starscape Wiki was established in December 2018.

Feel free to update and create new pages on the wiki! Please consult the Manual of Style to keep wiki pages clean and consistent:

Manual of Style
